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Advancing regenerative cotton - Nationwide partnership success

Advancing regenerative cotton - Nationwide partnership success

By Jamie Martin

A nationwide partnership led by the Soil Health Institute's United States Regenerative Cotton Fund (USRCF) is driving progress in sustainable cotton farming. Engaging over 1,000 cotton farmers and advisors, USRCF's initiatives support the adoption of soil health management systems, crucial for regenerative agriculture.

Launched in 2021, USRCF aims to enhance long-term, sustainable U.S. cotton production, with the goal of eliminating one million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2026. Active across ten states, including Alabama, Texas, and Georgia, the fund collaborates with various stakeholders, including U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol and Cotton Incorporated.

Key successes include -

  • Economic Insights - Soil health management systems reduced production costs by $53 per acre, increasing net farm income by $150 per acre on average.
  • Soil Health Measurements - Benchmarks established on 2 million acres provide personalized soil health reports, empowering farmers to set science-based goals.
  • Experiential Learning - Internships provide hands-on experience for students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
  • Farmer Education - Over 25 field demonstrations and workshops help farmers and advisors improve soil health.

Supported by grants from The Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation, Walmart Foundation, and others, USRCF's impact is significant in advancing regenerative agriculture.

For more information about USRCF, visit

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