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2024 U.S. wheat harvest shows promising yield

2024 U.S. wheat harvest shows promising yield

By Jamie Martin

The 2024 U.S. wheat harvest is turning a corner with notably improved outcomes compared to the previous three years of challenging conditions.

Following a period marked by severe droughts which dramatically affected yields and quality, the current season brings a refreshing change. This year, U.S. farmers planted 47.2 million acres of wheat, closely aligning with the five-year average despite a slight decrease from last year.

The July 2024 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report a promising increase in wheat production to 54.6 million metric tons (MMT), a 10% rise from the previous year, attributed to enhanced yields and favorable weather conditions.

Notably, hard red winter (HRW) wheat production surged by 27% to 20.8 MMT, while durum wheat saw a significant 51% increase.

Export projections are equally optimistic, with estimates of 22.4 MMT, marking the highest level since the 2020/21 season, though still below the pre-drought average.

This uptick in production and export capacity is driven by more competitive pricing in recent weeks, encouraging increased purchases by major global buyers.

The U.S. Wheat Associates continues to assist customers in navigating the market, ensuring that the renewed vigor in production translates into valuable purchasing opportunities for global buyers.

This year’s improved harvest and favorable market conditions are set to reinforce the U.S. position in the global wheat market, offering hope and financial stability to U.S. farmers.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ygre

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