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Boosting SAF - Policy needs for ethanol impact

Boosting SAF - Policy needs for ethanol impact

By Jamie Martin

The role of ethanol in advancing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is significant, as shown by its impact on family farms and the broader agricultural sector.

With Illinois ranking third in national ethanol production, the integration of ethanol into the SAF market is both an economic and environmental opportunity. This integration is sustained by decades of strategic policymaking, which has developed robust channels for the biofuel industry.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's recent guidelines acknowledge the importance of conservation practices in agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in SAF production. These practices are crucial for achieving the "45Z credit" under the Inflation Reduction Act, offering $1.25 per gallon for SAF that meets specific emission reduction criteria.

The current policy framework poses challenges, particularly the restrictive requirements on sustainable farming practices like no-till and cover cropping, which are necessary but need more flexibility.

The Renewable Fuel Standard and various state and federal incentives have historically bolstered the ethanol market, yet the expansion of SAF necessitates a more adaptable approach to support the diverse practices of American farmers.

To fully realize the potential of SAF, policy revisions are essential. These should include broader acceptance of farming methods that reduce carbon emissions and flexibility in annual practice adjustments.

This adaptability will ensure that farmers can continue to innovate in ways that support both their livelihood and the environment.

Looking ahead, the development of additional ethanol plants and SAF infrastructure is critical. Such expansions could significantly boost the economy and secure the viability of corn farming, projecting a potential $13 billion increase in annual economic activity.

Policymakers must ensure that the evolving SAF market provides the certainty and flexibility needed for farmers, airlines, and biofuel producers to make substantial investments in this green technology. This approach will help secure a sustainable future for both the environment and the next generation of farmers.

Photo Credit: shutterstock-dickgage

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