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Dry weather boosts WI crop progress

Dry weather boosts WI crop progress

By Blake Jackson

The Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service reports favorable field conditions for the week ending July 21st, 2024. With 5.4 suitable workdays and dry weather, farmers made significant progress on hay and small grain harvests.

Topsoil and subsoil moisture remain adequate to surplus, with 79% and 72% respectively falling into these categories. This bodes well for continued crop development.

Corn development is exceeding expectations. Silking reached 40% completion, surpassing both last years and the five-year average progress. Corn condition also improved to 61% good to excellent.

Soybean development shows slight progress compared to the historical average, with 47% currently blooming. However, soybean condition mirrored corn, rising to 60% good to excellent.

Oat harvest is ahead of schedule, with 12% complete. Most oat fields are headed and coloring, reflecting healthy crop development. Oat condition remains steady at a commendable 78% good to excellent.

Winter wheat harvest is also exceeding typical progress, reaching 31% completion. Winter wheat condition remains strong at 81% good to excellent.

Hay producers made significant headway on the second alfalfa cutting, with 78% now complete. Overall hay conditions improved to 75% good to excellent, indicating healthy forage for livestock.

The potato harvest has begun, with 9% complete. Potato condition continues to impress, rising to 89% good to excellent.

Pasture and range conditions dipped slightly to 70% good to excellent but remain favorable for livestock grazing.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa, Government & Policy

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