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Liska Re-Elected WCO President

The president of the Wisconsin Custom Operators, Inc. has been re-elected to another term. Ray Liska, owner of Apollo-Vale Enterprises in Cochrane, was selected to lead the group during its annual meeting.

In addition to custom farming, Liska raises poultry for Gold'n Plump Farms. He is a longtime member of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau, where he is a graduate of the Leadership Institute and has served in other various leadership roles.

William Smith from Smith Custom Farming in Darlington was elected as vice-president. Josh Bartholomew of Oxbo International in Clear Lake was re-elected secretary. And Isaac Lemmenes, a corporate director from R Braun, Inc. in St Nazianz, was re-elected treasurer.

Meanwhile, members elected Amanda Krepline of Krepline Custom Harvesting LLC in Reedsville to the board. And Joseph Sanford, assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, joined the board as an advisor.

WCO is an organization comprised of individuals throughout the state who derive their income in whole or part from providing custom farming services.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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