By Jamie Martin
The New Jersey Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced an extension for applications to the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program – Agricultural Land Easement (ACEP-ALE). This extension offers one last signup opportunity for entities aiming to secure funding for the fiscal year 2024.
The ACEP-ALE program primarily focuses on preserving the agricultural viability and conservation values of eligible lands by restricting non-agricultural uses that could negatively impact these values. Eligible applicants include federally recognized Indian Tribes, governmental units, and nongovernmental organizations committed to agricultural land conservation.
To qualify, applicants must operate an established farmland protection program that acquires agricultural conservation easements. The USDA offers substantial financial support, funding up to 50 percent of the easement's market value and up to 75 percent for grasslands deemed significantly important.
Applications must be complete, properly executed, and submitted by July 1, 2024, via email or mail. They should include all necessary documentation as detailed on the State ACEP website. Only those applications that meet all requirements and are submitted on time will be considered for funding.
This program ensures that qualifying landowners retain ownership while continuing agricultural practices, supported by the USDA's commitment to long-term conservation. The initiative not only protects agricultural lands but also supports the entities that manage and steward these easements effectively.
Photo Credit: usda-nrcs
Categories: National