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Topsoil health innovations at SHARE event

Topsoil health innovations at SHARE event

By Blake Jackson

Join the Soil Health Alliance for Research and Education (SHARE) on Wednesday, August 7 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Arlington Ag Research Station. This free event requires registration by July 31. Accommodation is available upon registration through SHARE.

A panel of soil health practitioners and experts will share insights on improving soil health on Wisconsin farms. They will highlight tractable practices and achievable results, seeking input on what works and what barriers exist in reaching soil health goals.

Post lunch, participants will visit the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial (WICST). Dr. Gregg Sanford from UW–Madison will discuss the impact of rotational diversity, perennials, and livestock over 34 years on these plots. The event concludes with a coffee hour for networking.

Location: Arlington Ag Research Station N695 Hopkins Rd Arlington, WI 53911

Contact Information:

Name: Chris Bandura


Phone: 715-370-4900

For more details and registration, visit
Photo Credit: gettyimages-sasiistock.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, General

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