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USDA needs help finding Asian long horned beetle in August

USDA needs help finding Asian long horned beetle in August

By Jamie Martin

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is calling on the public to help find and report the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) during August, declared Tree Check Month. This invasive pest, which can kill trees, is emerging now, making it the perfect time to look for it.

The ALB attacks several hardwood trees, with a preference for maples. It creates ¾-inch exit holes as it leaves infested trees and feeds on leaves and bark. Signs of infestation include round exit holes, chewed bark, sap weeping, and sawdust-like frass on trees or the ground.

Josie Ryan, APHIS’ National Operations Manager for the ALB Eradication Program, emphasizes the importance of early detection. “Finding and reporting infested trees early means we can save more trees,” she says.

If you find any signs of the beetle or tree damage, report it by calling the ALB hotline at 1-866-702-9938 or submitting an online report. If possible, photograph the damage or beetle, and freeze it for identification. Avoid moving wood that might carry the beetle to prevent spreading.

APHIS aims to eradicate the ALB from the U.S., with ongoing efforts in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina. For more details, visit the USDA APHIS website or call their hotline.

Photo Credit: usda

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