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Winners of Meat Processor Resiliency Grants Named

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture announced that 91 meat processors have been selected to receive a total of $10 million through the governor's Meat and Poultry Supply Chain Resiliency Grants. Gov. Evers announced the creation of the Meat and Poultry Supply Chain Resiliency Grant Program in May to continue to support the growth of Wisconsin's meat processing industry and improve the long-term viability of the state's livestock industry.

Funded through the American Rescue Plan Act, state meat processors will receive funding for grant projects of up to $150,000. Grants are awarded through a competitive selection process and selected processors must provide a match of 100 percent of the grant amount.

"The demand and interest from meat processors to build and grow their operations is high," said State Agriculture Secretary Romanski. "Through these grants created by Gov. Evers, we are providing critical funding to meat processors to help them thrive in our state and continue producing meat products for local consumers and beyond."

The agency received nearly 100 grant applications requesting more than $11 million in funding.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Livestock

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