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Wisconsin corn acreage drops in 2024 planting report

Wisconsin corn acreage drops in 2024 planting report

By Blake Jackson

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service released its 2024 acreage report for Wisconsin. Here's a summary of key findings:

  • Corn: Corn acreage is down from 2023, with 3.7 million acres planted (300,000 acres less) and 2.9 million acres expected for harvest. Biotechnology varieties dominated plantings, with 94% of corn acres utilizing this technology.
  • Soybeans: Soybean acreage is slightly higher than 2023 at 2.15 million acres but fell short of March intentions by 50,000 acres. An estimated 2.12 million acres will be harvested. Herbicide-resistant varieties were the primary choice, used on 95% of soybean acres.
  • Winter Wheat: Winter wheat plantings remained steady at 265,000 acres, matching March projections. However, this is down slightly from 2023. Grain harvest is expected from 190,000 acres.
  • Other Grains: Oat plantings decreased by 5,000 acres compared to 2023, with only 68,000 acres expected for grain harvest. Conversely, rye acreage increased by 20,000 acres, with 25,000 acres expected for grain harvest. Barley plantings also rose by 8,000 acres, with a projected harvest of 7,000 acres.
  • Potatoes: Potato acreage saw a minor decline of 1,000 acres, with 66,000 acres expected for harvest.
  • Hay: Hay production is expected to rise significantly in 2024. Total dry hay harvest is estimated at 1.21 million acres, up 180,000 acres from the previous year. Alfalfa hay will contribute 800,000 acres, while other hay types account for the remaining 410,000 acres.

This report provides valuable insights into Wisconsin's agricultural landscape for 2024. It highlights trends in corn, soybean, and other crop plantings, along with hay production.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Hay & Forage

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