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Wisconsin farmers face rain challenges - limited fieldwork

Wisconsin farmers face rain challenges - limited fieldwork

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin farmers faced challenges last week due to early-week rain, limiting fieldwork to just 5.3 days statewide. Despite the wet conditions, progress was made on several fronts.

Small grain, potato, and hay harvests continued where possible. Soil moisture levels remain ample across the state, with 81% of topsoil and 82% of subsoil rated adequate.

Corn development is slightly behind schedule. Silking reached 84% completion, while the dough stage reached 36%. Corn condition improved slightly, with 63% rated good to excellent.

Soybeans are ahead of pace, with 88% blooming and 66% setting pods. Soybean condition also saw an uptick.

The oat harvest is progressing rapidly, with 58% complete. Winter wheat harvest is nearly finished at 94%. Hay production is in full swing, with the second cutting nearing completion and the third cutting at 68%. Potato harvest is underway at 17% complete.

While pasture and range conditions declined slightly, overall crop conditions remain favorable. However, the impact of the recent rains on crop yields and quality will become clearer in the coming weeks.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-wiyadaa

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Government & Policy

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