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Wisconsin farmers union shines at national convention

Wisconsin farmers union shines at national convention

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU) played a prominent role at the National Farmers Union's 122nd Anniversary Convention held in Scottsdale, Arizona, from March 10th to 12th. Hundreds of farmers and ranchers from across the country gathered to discuss policy and celebrate the organization's legacy.

WFU President Darin Von Ruden emphasized the enduring commitment to family farmers: "We're here to amplify their voices and shape policies that secure the future of agriculture."

The Wisconsin delegation received well-deserved recognition. WFU itself was commended for its steady growth, and Executive Director Julie Keown-Bomar was acknowledged for her role in facilitating a visit by the EPA Administrator to Eau Claire.

WFU members actively participated in the policymaking process. Delegates like Paul Adams, Linda Ceylor, and Michael Slattery played a key role in shaping the National Farmers Union's policy agenda. Krist Kvalheim and Patty Edelburg provided valuable guidance as parliamentarian and Policy Committee member, respectively.

A highlight of the convention was the awarding of the prestigious Meritorious Service to Farmers Union and American Agriculture honor. This year, Wisconsin's own Dennis Rosen, a retired dairy farmer and former WFU president, was recognized alongside recipients from Minnesota and Ohio. Rosen's dedication and leadership were instrumental in keeping Wisconsin Farmers Union strong for over four decades.

Another WFU member, Danielle Endvick, received the Bruce Miller Membership Award for her passion for family farming and rural America. Endvick, a Chippewa County beef farmer, has significantly contributed to WFU's communication efforts and member development.

The convention wasn't just about accolades. Several WFU members participated in educational programs. Hannah Alden, Melissa Mahon Stein, and Mallaidh Mleziva capped off their year-long involvement in the NFU Beginning Farmer Institute. Dave and Meghan Greenfield, along with Skye and Dylan Bruce, further honed their leadership skills through the Farmers Union Enterprises Leadership Program.

The convention also addressed critical issues facing agriculture. The announcement of a finalized rule for "Product of USA" labeling by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack was a positive step towards consumer protection. Additionally, the allocation of funds to expand processing options for meat and poultry producers and ensure fairness in the seed industry resonated with the WFU delegation.

Finally, Wisconsin Farmers Union delegates actively participated in policy debates, successfully advocating for a farmer-driven plan to match milk production with market demand. They also played a role in shaping policy areas such as farm safety nets, conservation, and dairy reform. The democratic policymaking process is a cornerstone of the National Farmers Union, and Wisconsin Farmers Union made sure their voices were heard.

The 122nd National Farmers Union Convention proved to be a successful and rewarding experience for Wisconsin Farmers Union. They not only received recognition for their past achievements but also actively participated in shaping the future of agriculture policy.

Photo Credit: national-farmers-union-foundation

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