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2024 calf care workshop for dairy farmers

2024 calf care workshop for dairy farmers

By Blake Jackson

The Professional Dairy Producers (PDP) is offering a unique opportunity for calf care teams to enhance their skills and confidence with the 2024 Calf Care Connection workshop. This one-day event features interactive sessions on essential health topics and biosecurity practices, all delivered in both English and Spanish.

The workshop will be held at two locations in Wisconsin:

  • Tuesday, October 15th at Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland
  • Wednesday, October 16th at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore

Registration starts at 9:00 AM, and the program concludes by 3:45 PM. Simultaneous Spanish translation has been available since 2021, ensuring all team members can actively participate, regardless of their primary language.

Rosario Ibarra, from Grotegut Dairy Farm, highlights, "Providing simultaneous Spanish translation opens up the window of opportunity to all team members".

Dr. Don Sockett will lead the general session, "Biosecurity: define the rules of sharing." This session explores how pathogens spread and provides strategies to prevent their transmission within the farm, focusing on dairy zones, cross-contamination, zoonotic diseases, and human-calf interactions.

Following the general session, participants will rotate through three interactive breakout sessions:

  • Identify the Signs of Pneumonia: Led by Dr. Theresa Ollivett, this session offers techniques for identifying and diagnosing calf pneumonia through postmortem lung examinations and technology options. Best practices for treatment will also be discussed.
  • Dissect the Digestives: Dr. Melissa Cantor will guide participants in dissecting a calf digestive system to understand the differences between healthy and abnormal intestines. Common causes of scours and strategies for prevention and treatment will be explored.
  • Time to Act: Manage and Treat Scours: Dr. Derek Foster will share the latest information on electrolyte therapy for treating scours, including choosing appropriate oral electrolytes and best practices for administration.

The Calf Care Connection workshop is accredited for up to 4.5 Dairy AdvanCE and 5.0 ARPAS continuing education credits.

For more information on speakers, continuing education credits, and registration, visit or call 800-947-7379. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to equip your calf care team with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed!

Photo Credit: istock-simplycreativephotography

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Categories: Wisconsin, Education, Livestock

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