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Wisconsin egg production declines in August 2024

Wisconsin egg production declines in August 2024

By Blake Jackson

Egg production in Wisconsin experienced a slight decline during August 2024, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

The state produced 205 million eggs in August, which represents a 5% decrease compared to the same month last year.

The decline in egg production can be attributed to a decrease in the number of laying hens in Wisconsin. The average number of all layers on hand during August 2024 was 7.64 million, down 5% from the previous year.

However, the average egg production per 100 layers increased slightly to 2,686 eggs in August 2024, compared to 2,681 eggs in August 2023.

Despite the overall decline in egg production, Wisconsin's laying hens remained relatively productive in August 2024.

The slight increase in egg production per 100 layers suggests that the state's laying flock is efficient in converting feed into eggs.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-chubarovy

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Categories: Wisconsin, Government & Policy

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