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Dairy Signal: Tax Strategies, Water Quality Research, Renewable Energy Contracts

This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal from Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) will update dairy producers on the latest news and research in several key areas. On Tuesday, learn about tax codes and changes to exemption levels that could impact dairy producers. The Wednesday episode will feature the latest research from UW-Discovery Farms and Thursday’s session will provide insights on what to watch for before signing a carbon contract.

March 7

Tune in for a forward-thinking discussion on tax strategies to consider for your farming operation now and in coming years. Marissa Nehlsen will review tax codes and discuss the estate tax exemption level due to expire in 2025 and how that should impact your business and transition planning now. Episode presenter will be Marissa Nehlsen, money and business strategist, certified speaker and coach

March 8

As you’re planning for the 2023 growing season, hear about the latest research at UW-Discovery Farms on practices that can deliver benefits for your land, productivity and water quality. Episode presenter will be Amber Radatz, Agricultural Water Quality Program Manager, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension.

March 9

Join this episode for an attorney’s perspective on the ins and outs of renewable energy contracts, including what producers should know, what to be mindful of and understanding the length of contract commitments and expectations. Episode presenter will be Troy Schneider, Partner and Attorney at Twohig, Rietbrock, Schneider & Halbach Law Office The Dairy Signal is a weekly series of educational episodes offering practical insights and resources for dairy farmers and food-system professionals across the value chain. Developed by dairy farmers and members of the Professional Dairy Producers Board of Directors, the episodes air live from noon to 1 p.m. each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Live sessions offer attendees the opportunity to engage in open Q&A with the speakers; recorded sessions are available shortly after episodes are aired. Access all previously broadcasted sessions at

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Categories: Wisconsin, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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