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Fennimore teacher wins ag education award

Fennimore teacher wins ag education award

By Blake Jackson

Fennimore Elementary's third-grade educator, Emily Kamps, receives the 2023 Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher award. Recognized for integrating agricultural literacy into her classroom, Kamps emphasizes the importance of educating future consumers about agriculture's role in their lives. Through weekly themes like "Wisconsin Wednesdays," Kamps intertwines agriculture into core subjects, enhancing students' skills.

Collaborating with Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom, Adopt-A-Cow, and local farms, she fosters a holistic learning experience. Kamps extends her success to summer school, introducing new courses exploring agriculture through careers, STEM, and literature for K-8 students. The enrichment courses aim to raise awareness of agricultural career opportunities and drive student enrollment in agriculture education courses. Kamps, driven by the rewarding impact on her students, hopes to inspire some to pursue careers in agriculture. She received a prize package valued at over $1,700 and will represent Wisconsin in the Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award Program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation's Ag in the Classroom program, coordinated by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation, aligns with Kamps' dedication to fostering agricultural awareness among K-12 students. Supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation, agricultural groups, and a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, the program plays a vital role in agricultural education. Learn more at


Photo Credit: pexels-fauxels

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Categories: Wisconsin, Education

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