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Members Appointed to WFBF's Young Farmer Committee

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau's Young Farmer and Agriculturist Committee has seven new members. The group's board of directors has appointed Darren & Kendall Riskedal of Jefferson County; Casey & Morgan Lobdell of Iowa County; Luke & Ashley Lisowe of Calumet County; and Lexi Cook of St. Croix County to join the panel, which consists of nine couples or individuals between the ages of 18-35. Their terms will begin at the WFBF's annual meeting and Young Farmer and Agriculturist Conference in December.

"It is exciting to see these young members stepping up and assuming a leadership role in our organization," said WFBF President Kevin Krentz. "The YFA program is designed to build the next generation of Farm Bureau leaders and these appointees will surely rise to the occasion."

The Riskedals grew up in agriculture and met through a leadership conference for 4-H and FFA members. Darren works for Insight FS as a precision equipment specialist and Kendall works as a project lead for Filament in Madison. The two have one son.

The Lobdell are both passionate about the agricultural industry. Casey works as an animal nutrition consultant and Morgan works as an associate brand manager.

Luke and Ashley Lisowe both grew up on their parents' family dairy farms. Ashley graduated with a degree in dairy science from UW-River Falls. Luke graduated from UW-Madison's Farm & Industry Short Course. Luke is part owner of his family's dairy farm. Ashley works alongside Luke on his family's farm while taking care of their son.

And Cook lives in Baldwin with her husband, Matt. She grew up on her family's dairy farm in northern Wisconsin and is a graduate of UW-River Falls. Lexi is a Dairy Herd Information Technician for Central Star Coop and serves as the YFA chair and vice president of St. Croix County Farm Bureau.

The YFA aims to get more young farmers and agriculturists acquainted with and involved in Farm Bureau.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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