The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service is spending the next several months gathering information about farm economics and production practices from Wisconsin farmers. The agency is conducting its third and final phase of the 2022 Agricultural Resource Management Survey through the end of February.
"ARMS is the only survey program that allows anyone to clearly see the current financial well-being of Wisconsin producers and their households as a whole," said State Agriculture Statistician Greg Bussler. "The results of this survey will serve as a primary source of information for numerous local and federal policies and programs that affect Wisconsin farms and farm families."
NASS conducts ARMS jointly with USDA's Economic Research Service. In an effort to obtain the most accurate data, the federal agencies will reach out to more than 35,000 producers nationwide, including 1,500 in Wisconsin.
In an effort to protect the confidentiality of producers, the agency will only publish data in an aggregate form. The findings will be published in the annual Farm Production Expenditures report later this summer.
Categories: Wisconsin, Business, Government & Policy