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USMEF conference focuses on quality, emerging markets

USMEF conference focuses on quality, emerging markets

By Jamie Martin

The USMEF Spring Conference in Kansas City addressed key issues for the U.S. red meat industry. Speakers highlighted the importance of quality, free trade agreements (FTAs), and emerging markets for boosting exports.

USMEF Chair Randy Spronk stressed the role of FTAs in creating global opportunities. He pointed to increased exports to South Korea and Japan following tariff reductions.

USMEF President Dan Halstrom reported strong year-to-date export figures for U.S. pork and beef, with record shipments to Mexico and high per-head export value.

Industry experts like Randy Blach of CattleFax emphasized the high quality of U.S. beef as a key competitive advantage. He also discussed the ongoing U.S. cattle herd rebuilding efforts.

USDA representatives discussed the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) to assist U.S. exporters in reaching new markets in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.

Ambassador Kip Tom, former U.S. ambassador to the UN for Food and Agriculture, spoke about the importance of innovation in agriculture and maintaining U.S. competitiveness.

The conference also explored consumer perceptions of red meat and strategies for promoting underutilized cuts of beef and pork.

Photo Credit: istock-123ducu

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