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Wisconsin crowns new fairest - Kelsey Henderson takes reins

Wisconsin crowns new fairest - Kelsey Henderson takes reins

By Blake Jackson

Kelsey Henderson, a 21-year-old agricultural business student from Racine County, has been crowned the 2024 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs. The prestigious title, bestowed at the annual Wisconsin Association of Fairs Convention, marks the culmination of a fierce competition among 35 talented contestants. 

For 58 years, the Fairest of the Fairs program has chosen an ambassador to champion the educational, agricultural, and community spirit of Wisconsin's 75 county, district, and state fairs. Henderson, with her communication skills, organizational prowess, and infectious passion for the Fair industry, embodies the perfect candidate. 

Her responsibilities extend beyond the Fairest title. As an official ambassador of the 2024 Wisconsin State Fair, she'll greet visitors, host events, participate in contests, and represent the State Fair in media appearances. Her year-long reign will be a whirlwind of travel, media interactions, and promoting the vital role of Wisconsin Fairs. 

Henderson's agricultural background shines through. A former 10-year 4-H member and FFA leader, she's currently studying at Iowa State University and will soon begin a career at John Deere. Her passion for agriculture and experience in Fair world make her an ideal advocate for the diverse offerings of Wisconsin's fairs. 

While Henderson takes the spotlight, the competition produced other notable talents. Ellie Szczech (Waukesha County) earned the first runner-up title, Amelia Draxler (St. Croix County) came in second, Aubrey Schlimgen (Dane County) placed third, and Aleah Hunter (Trempealeau County) rounded out the top five. 

Selecting the Fairest is no easy feat. A panel of three esteemed judges, representing the Fair, agriculture, and media industries, meticulously evaluated each contestant. This year, Stephen Asplund, Jeannie Domeyer, and Chris Krautkramer brought their diverse expertise to the table, ensuring a fair and rigorous selection process. 

Henderson's journey as the 2024 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs has just begun. With her dedication, enthusiasm, and genuine love for the Fair industry, she's poised to become a vibrant ambassador, inspiring future generations to embrace the unique spirit of Wisconsin's fairs. 


Photo Credit: wisconsin-state-fair

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