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Wisconsin DNR urges action - protect vital groundwater

Wisconsin DNR urges action - protect vital groundwater

By Blake Jackson

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is raising awareness about groundwater, a vital resource for 70% of Wisconsin residents. This hidden treasure provides drinking water, supports agriculture and tourism, and nourishes ecosystems.

McCrea Baker, acting Groundwater Section Manager for the DNR, emphasizes the importance of protecting groundwater for current and future generations. Here's how you can help:

  • Test and maintain your well: If you have a private well, test your water annually and perform necessary maintenance.
  • Recycle: Dispose of paper, plastic, and other recyclables properly to prevent contamination.
  • Plant smart: Choose native, low-maintenance plants that require minimal water and fertilizer.
  • Conserve water: Fix leaks, shorten showers, run full loads of laundry and dishes, and water lawns efficiently.
  • Manage hazardous waste: Unused chemicals and pharmaceuticals can contaminate groundwater. Take them to designated collection points for proper disposal. Look for safer alternatives and avoid over-purchasing.

The DNR offers resources on its Household Hazardous Waste webpage and Groundwater webpage. You can also explore the Groundwater Coordinating Council's story map, "Wisconsin's Buried Treasure is Worth Protecting."

Established in 1999, Groundwater Awareness Week highlights the importance of responsible groundwater management. It also recognizes the dedicated professionals in the groundwater industry who ensure safe drinking water for all.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zms

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