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Wisconsin Seeking 2022 Outstanding Young Farmer Nominations

Organizers of Wisconsin's Outstanding Young Farmer award are looking for nominations from a variety producers of agricultural commodities to apply for next year's program. Nominees must be younger than 40 years of age and derive at least two-thirds of their income from farming.

The award is based on 50-percent progress in their ag career, 25-percent from soil and water conservation and 25-percent for contributions to their community, state and nation. Successful nominees will compete for the top award during the Wisconsin OYF Awards Weekend next January in Manitowoc. Applicants will also be vying for the 'Speak Up for Agriculture' award during that weekend.

"We will bring together a group of Wisconsin's best young farmers to thank them for the selfless work that they do while making an impact on their community and state," says Cindy Matton, OYF Awards Weekend event organizer. "We recognize our finalists through the weekend and also honor our state winner who will move on as Wisconsin's next National OYF Candidate."

Wisconsin OYF has had 21 national winners in its 69 year history. The 2021 state winners, Kyle and Rachel Zwieg of Ixonia, will be submitting their application to represent the state at the 2023 Awards Congress.

Nomination forms are due by September 30, with final paperwork from the nominees required by October 1. For more information about the OYF program or to request a nomination form, call 715-833-9649.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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