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Ag Groups: Truth-In-Labeling Bills Need Push

A coalition of leading Wisconsin agricultural groups are supporting passage of Assembly Bills 73 and 74, which would limit the terms 'dairy' and 'milk' to products derived from animals.

"Unfortunately, these bills have stalled in the Wisconsin state senate," Cooperative Network said in its weekly newsletter. "To push these bills across the finish line, please contact your Wisconsin state senator and ask that they support passage this session."

As part of the measures, companies would be banned from labeling products as 'cream, yogurt or cheese' if the food is not made from the milk of a cow, sheep, goat or other mammals.

In order for the dairy and milk bills to be enforced, a total of 10 states must pass the same restrictions within the next 10 years. So far only Maryland and North Carolina have passed milk labeling laws.

Supporters say the bills would bring Wisconsin in line with existing but currently unenforced U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations defining these products. Similar efforts are pending on the federal level.

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