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Corn and soybeans progress ahead of schedule

Corn and soybeans progress ahead of schedule

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin farmers enjoyed a productive week of fieldwork, interrupted only by late-week rainfall. According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, there were 4.8 suitable days for fieldwork statewide for the week ending August 18, 2024.

Farmers focused on harvesting small grains and potatoes, as well as cutting hay. Soil moisture levels remain favorable, with 81% of topsoil and 79% of subsoil rated adequate.

Corn development is ahead of schedule. Silking is nearly complete at 90%, and the crop is rapidly progressing through the dough stage (61%) and into the dent stage (16%). Corn condition remains strong at 64% good to excellent.

Soybeans are also ahead of pace. Ninety-five percent of the crop is blooming, and 83% are setting pods. Soybean condition is steady at 62% good to excellent.

Other key highlights include:

  • Oats harvest is 9 days ahead of last year at 79% complete.
  • Winter wheat harvest is virtually finished at 97%.
  • Alfalfa hay harvest is progressing, with the third cutting 82% complete and the fourth cutting at 12%.
  • Potato harvest is underway at 20% complete.
  • Pasture and range conditions declined slightly to 60% good to excellent.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Fruits and Vegetables

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