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Corn and soybeans progress in Wisconsin - USDA report

Corn and soybeans progress in Wisconsin - USDA report

By Blake Jackson

According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Wisconsin experienced 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 28, 2024. Farmers made progress on hay, small grain, and early potato harvests.

Soil moisture levels remain adequate, with 80% of topsoil and 78% of subsoil classified as such. Corn development is ahead of normal, with 58% of the crop in the silking stage and 15% in the dough stage. Corn condition is rated 62% good to excellent.

Soybeans are also progressing, with 65% blooming and 30% setting pods. The soybean crop is rated 60% good to excellent.

Oats harvest is advancing rapidly, with 27% of the grain crop harvested. Oat condition is strong at 79% good to excellent.

Winter wheat harvest is also ahead of schedule, with 68% complete and condition rated 78% good to excellent.

Hay production continues to be favorable, with 88% of the second cutting and 29% of the third cutting completed. All hay is rated 78% good to excellent.

Potato harvest is underway, with 11% complete and condition at 90% good to excellent. Pasture and range conditions remain steady at 70% good to excellent.

Overall, Wisconsin’s agricultural conditions are positive, with favorable weather contributing to crop development and harvest progress.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Hay & Forage

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