Career Connections returns to World Dairy Expo this fall to bring together students and young professionals with job and internship opportunities in the dairy industry. An onsite networking event on October 7 at 9:30 a.m. in Mendota 4 of the Exhibition Hall, is a part of the program in addition to an online job board.
"Career Connections builds the future of dairy by assisting youth and young adults with establishing relationships within the industry and taking their job or internship search to the next level," said Programs Specialist Cassi Miller. "World Dairy Expo is an optimal time and location to connect these young professionals with hiring companies and farms as the global dairy industry meets in Madison."
Career Connections is a free resource and event for all involved, from job seekers to dairy farms and companies. Trade Show participants and sponsors of Expo, in addition to dairy farms spanning the globe, can participate in this event by applying at
Job and internship seekers who want to take advantage of this unique opportunity at Expo can go online to view a current list of openings and register for the in-person event.
Categories: Wisconsin, Business, Livestock, Dairy Cattle