The University of Wisconsin-Madison's Organic Grain Resources and Information Network, or OGRAIN, is hosting a field day this month to highlight how organic grain farmers can diversify their rotations, benefiting farm profitability through unique market niches and improved organic management. The event is slated for July 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Hughes Farms in Janesville.
"The organic market offers a lot of potential beyond the typical corn-soybean-wheat rotation," said OGRAIN program leader Erin Silva, associate professor and extension organic agriculture specialist in the UW-Madison Department of Plant Pathology. "More diversified rotations that include more unique crops can help expand market resilience, as well as production resilience."
Attendees will learn about several organic crops grown at Hughes Farms, including processing vegetables, Kernza, barley, and industrial hemp. The event will also showcase the farm’s management tools, such as tine weeders, electric weed zappers, and organic-approved inputs including biologicals.
For more information or to register, visit
Categories: Wisconsin, Crops