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Participate now - Soybean producers' referendum opportunity

Participate now - Soybean producers' referendum opportunity

By Jamie Martin

Soybean producers across the U.S. are encouraged to seize an important opportunity presented by the USDA. The agency is allowing soybean producers to request a referendum on the Soybean Promotion and Research Order, which governs efforts to enhance both domestic and international markets for soybeans and soybean products.

Participation in this referendum request is voluntary, but producers interested in influencing the direction of the Soybean Promotion and Research program should consider taking part. Managed as the United Soybean Board, the program relies on a mandatory assessment of soybean sales, with most producers required to contribute.

For a referendum to occur, a minimum of 10 percent of eligible producers must participate in the request process. The deadline for submitting requests is May 31, and producers must certify their eligibility based on assessment payments made between Jan. 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2023.

Interested producers can obtain the necessary form, Form LS-51-1, from local Farm Service Agency (FSA) Service Centers or online. Completed forms must be submitted by specified deadlines, with different deadlines depending on the submission method.

For additional details or inquiries, producers can reach out to Jeana Harbison at the USDA AMS. This opportunity empowers soybean producers to have a direct impact on the future trajectory of their industry.

Photo Credit: istock-oticki

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