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State Maple Syrup Producers Convention Held

The Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producer's Association hosted the 2023 Winter Institute and Maple Vendor Trade show at Hotel Marshfield. This year's theme was Maple Syrup: Business and Beyond.

The two-day event began with a "Deep Dive Maple Business Planning" class presented by Mark Cannella, UVM Extension. Followed by a technical session on Wisconsin State Regulations/Licensing presented by Stefan Boerboom, DATCP.

The Maple vendor trade show was both Friday and Saturday. It included over 17 vendors were in attendance which included: Armadorable, Belmark Inc., H20 Innovation/Leader Evaporator, Maple Hollow, Maple Valley Cooperative, Misty Down Farms, NICS, Lapierre USA/Midwest Maple, Roth's /CDL, Sap Spy, Sippl's/H2O, USDA/NASS, UW Extension, WB Bottle Supply Co., Inc., WMSPA, and Wood Shed. Friday night also included a happy hour which included maple old fashioned and Wisconsin cheese, snack sticks, maple butter, maple cheesecake, and maple honey butter sponsored by Nasonville Dairy, Hewitt Meats, Hansen's Sugar Shack

Saturday morning with opening remarks by WMSPA president, Steve Anderson. After the opening remarks the day was filled with technical which included Maple Economics and Industry Development presented by Mark Cannella. Followed by a maple development round table with Pete Roth, CDL, Steve Anderson, Anderson's Maple Syrup, Cathy Asher, Security Financial Bank, Michelle Pedretti and Justin Cain, Maple Valley. The panel participants were asked a variety of question about the maple industry. Attendees had the chance to ask the panelist questions as well. Alice in Dairyland Taylor Schaefer presented on the Something Special from Wisconsin program followed by Greg Bussler, NASS, sharing the NASS stats and lastly before lunch Theresa Baroun, WMSPA Executive Director presented on the new WMSPA Comprehensive handbook, A summary of regulations governing maple syrup production in Wisconsin. If attendees didn't want to attend the morning technical sessions, they could attend a craft workshop presented by Vicky Adamski.

After lunch, the Honorary Lifetime Member Award was presented to Gary and Vicki Adamski, Adamski's Sugarbush, Antigo, by Fred Hedmark, chair of Lifetime member committee.

The WMSPA Producer of the year was presented to Jim and Sara Adamski, Adamski's Sugarbush, Antigo, WI by Theresa Baroun, WMSPA Executive Director.

The 2022 -23 Maple Marketing Intern Alicia Baroun gave an update to what she has done so far in her position. Then Alicia introduced the vendors who shared "What is new in the Maple World" in their business.

The afternoon technical sessions included Business Planning for your Maple Enterprise; Maple 102 which attendees had the chance to taste each other's maple syrup, Marketing Maple Syrup by Michelle Pedretti, Maple Valley; how to become organically certified by Emily Fowell, NICS; financing your syrup operation by Cathy Asher, Security Financial Bank; Maple 102, Quality and Testing by Jim Adamski; CDL and Transfer and Succession Planning by Mark Cannella.

A silent auction was held with proceeds going to the NAMSC Maple Research Fun and WMSPA. Break snacks were sponsored by Anderson's Maple Syrup, Roth's Sugar Bush, Sippl's Sugar Bush and Wisconsin Farm Union.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops

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