Agricultural economists and commodity specialists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and UW-Extension will talk about the financial health of Wisconsin agriculture and the outlook for the year to come at the 17th annual Wisconsin Agricultural Economic Outlook forum in Madison next month. Climate Smart Dairy in Wisconsin be the theme of day's discussions, which will be held in person this year.
The program, slated to be held January 24, takes place in Varsity Hall III at Union South at the UW-Madison campus from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will cover an overview of Wisconsin's farm economy, including the current situation and price outlooks for dairy, corn and soybeans, as well as farm income and input costs.
The afternoon session will cover various climate smart initiatives throughout Wisconsin's dairy supply chain that aim to help farmers and other industry members implement sustainable production practices.
A reception will follow the forum in order to provide time to continue valuable discussions.
The meeting is open to the public and costs $50.00 to attend, which includes lunch. To register for the Wisconsin Agricultural Economic Outlook forum, call 608-262-9485 or go to:
Categories: Wisconsin, General