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Wisconsin cropland cash rent and land values steady in 2024

Wisconsin cropland cash rent and land values steady in 2024

By Blake Jackson

In 2024, cropland cash rent paid to Wisconsin landlords averaged $162.00 per acre, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Non-irrigated cropland rent averaged $158.00 per acre, which is $7.00 higher than the previous year. Irrigated cropland rent, on the other hand, averaged $257.00 per acre, reflecting an $11.00 decrease from 2023.

Pasture rented for cash saw an increase, averaging $41.00 per acre, up by $3.50 from last year.

Wisconsin's farm real estate value, which measures the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $6,120 per acre in 2024, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service – Land Values 2024 Summary.

This value remained unchanged from the previous year. Cropland values, however, saw a rise to $6,800 per acre, which is $180 more than last year. Similarly, pasture values increased to $3,200 per acre, which is $90 higher than the previous year.

The historical data from 2020 to 2024 shows a trend of gradual increases in cash rent and land values in Wisconsin.

In 2020, cropland cash rent was $146.00 per acre, with irrigated cropland at $245.00 per acre and non-irrigated cropland at $138.00 per acre.

Pasture cash rent was $35.00 per acre. By 2024, these values had risen to $162.00, $257.00, $158.00, and $41.00 per acre respectively.

Land values also followed a similar trend. In 2020, cropland was valued at $4,740 per acre, and pasture at $2,300 per acre, while farm real estate was valued at $4,820 per acre.

By 2024, these values had increased to $6,800, $3,200, and $6,120 per acre respectively.

This consistent rise in both cash rent and land values reflects the stability and gradual appreciation of agricultural land in Wisconsin, making it an asset for landlords and farmers alike.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Government & Policy

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