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Wisconsin farmers make rapid progress in fieldwork

Wisconsin farmers make rapid progress in fieldwork

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin experienced 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork statewide during the week ending October 13, 2024. A killing frost occurred in the northern part of the state.

Favorable weather conditions allowed for rapid progress in corn and soybean harvesting. Additionally, harvesting of cranberries, potatoes, and vegetables continued. Other field activities included manure spreading, fall tillage, and winter wheat seeding.

Topsoil moisture conditions were assessed as 22% very short, 39% short, 38% adequate, and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions were rated 15% very short, 37% short, 47% adequate, and 1% surplus.

As of October 13, 2024, 85% of the corn crop had matured. Corn for grain was 26% harvested, 10 days ahead of last year's pace and 9 days ahead of the 5-year average.

The moisture content of corn harvested for grain was 21%. Corn for silage harvest was 92% complete, 1 day ahead of last year and 8 days ahead of average. Corn condition remained strong, with 61% rated good to excellent.

Soybean harvest reached 83% completion, significantly surpassing last year's progress by 23 days and the 5-year average by 3 weeks.

Winter wheat planting was 80% complete, 5 days ahead of last year and 6 days ahead of average. Forty-nine percent of the winter wheat crop had emerged. The fourth cutting of alfalfa hay was 95% complete.

Potato harvest was 92% complete, while fall tillage reached 30% completion. Pasture and range condition was rated 32% good to excellent, down 6 percentage points from the previous week.

Overall, Wisconsin's agricultural sector made significant progress during the week, with favorable weather conditions aiding in crop harvesting and field activities.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-klosfoto

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Fruits and Vegetables

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