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Much of Wisconsin Sees Gully Washer Rain Fall

A band of heavy precipitation from southeast Minnesota through Green Bay and Sheboygan prior to the weekend brought rainfall totals to more than five inches in certain areas. According to the Wisconsin Ag Statistics Service, the system damaged crops, washed out rural roadways and caused substantial property damage. The weekly crop report also noted that the extra moisture is causing mold to grow on soybeans in some counties.

Topsoil moisture conditions were rated seven percent very short, 10 percent short, 65 percent adequate and 18 percent surplus.

As of Sunday, about 83 percent of the corn crop was in the dough stage and 46 percent was dented--both slightly above average for late-August. Reporters estimate the crop to be two percent mature and 78 percent in good to excellent condition. That's three percentage points better than last week.

All but five percent of the soybeans were setting pods, one day behind last year, but six days ahead of the five-year average. Nineteen percent of the beans are coloring as of the weekend, with some reports of plants dropping leaves. The condition of the soybean crop was unchanged from a week earlier at 75 percent good to excellent.

Farmers have 85 percent of their oats combined and 27 percent of the potatoes harvested.

And the third cutting of alfalfa hay is 88 percent complete, four days behind last year, but one day ahead normal. Nearly a third of the fourth crop is also off the ground.

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Dairyland Power to Purchase RockGen Gas Plant in Cambridge Dairyland Power to Purchase RockGen Gas Plant in Cambridge

Categories: Wisconsin, Weather

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