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National DHIA Awards $1,000 Scholarships to Students

The National Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) Scholarship Committee chose nine high school seniors and college students to receive a $1,000 scholarship. Committee members ranked applicants based on scholastic achievements, leadership in school and community activities, and responses to DHI- and career-related questions. To be eligible for a National DHIA scholarship, applicants must be a family member or employee of a herd on DHI test, a family member of a DHI employee, or an employee of a DHI affiliate. The DHI affiliate for the herd or affiliate employee must be a National DHIA member.

This year's National DHIA scholarship recipients are Doreen Dyt, Crows Landing, Calif. (parents: Rich and Jacquie Dyt); Anna Euerle, Litchfield, Minn. (parents: Vaughn and Joan Euerle); Brianna Meyer, Chilton, Wis. (parents: Larry and Jennifer Meyer); Maggie Molitor, St. Cloud, Minn. (parent: Joe Molitor); Holly Niefergold, Lawtons, N.Y. (parents: David and Emily Niefergold); Josephine Sutherland, Flandreau, S.D. (parents: David and Dawn Sutherland); Libby Swatling, Clifton Park, N.Y. (parents: Robert and Heather Swatling); Kelli-Jo VanValkenburgh, Prattsville, N.Y. (parents: Karen VanValkenburgh and the late Walter Havrish); and Laureen Walter, Villard, Minn. (parents: Nathan and Angela Walter).

For the 15th year, National DHIA awarded a scholarship in memory of Joe Drexler, who worked for NorthStar Cooperative DHI Services (now known as CentralStar Cooperative Inc. - DHI Services). Brianna Meyer is this year's recipient. NorthStar members and employees, friends and family contributed nearly $10,000 to establish this scholarship fund.

Money generated from the annual National DHIA Scholarship Auction primarily funds the organization's scholarship program.

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Categories: Minnesota, Education, New York, Education, Wisconsin, Education

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