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National DHIA Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

The National Dairy Herd Information Association is offering $1,000 scholarships to full-time incoming and continuing students at technical and two-year and four-year colleges/universities. To be eligible for a National DHIA scholarship, the applicant must be a family member or employee of a herd on DHI test, a family member of a DHI employee, or an employee of a DHI affiliate.

The DHI affiliate for the herd or affiliate employee must be a member of National DHIA. Judges will evaluate applicants based on scholastic achievements, leadership, community activities and work experience, experience and knowledge of DHIA, and response to questions on the application.

National DHIA will award 12 scholarships. Applications are due November 30, with the recipients being announced at the 2021 National DHIA annual meeting.

To apply for a scholarship, call the National DHIA at 414-587-5839.

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