A Marshall High School student has won the State FFA Safe Tractor Operator Contest. AJ Schlimgen placed first in the event, which was held throughout the past week in conjunction with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days in Clark County.
The competition is scored by the individual's ability to perform various tasks while driving a tractor, as well as the results of a written test.
Jacob Eckert of the Medford FFA was named runner-up in the contest, and Payton Ackerman from the Owen-Withee chapter placed third.
Other finalists who placed in the top five included Issac Jakobi of Loyal and Clayton Blasel from Abbotsford.
The purpose of the event is to promote and encourage safe and skillful farm tractor operation, in addition to providing members an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of tractor maintenance and safety.
Categories: Wisconsin, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety