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WCMA Offers Additional Dairy Export Grants

Additional grant funding is now available through the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA) to help Wisconsin dairy exporters grow their international sales. Details and a simple, one-page application are available now at

Successful applicants will be awarded reimbursement grants of up to $15,000 each on a first-come, first-served basis to strengthen their presence in international markets with: Social media and marketing campaigns; Shipping and logistics costs for buyer samples; Costs related to in-store demonstrations, retail sampling, and merchandising.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled. Applicants are not required to be members of WCMA.

Successful applicants who sign on to accept funding are required to take advantage of free dairy export consultative services through WCMA. These consulting hours, provided by MCT Dairies, offer customized coaching to help new and experienced exporters evaluate their product line and identify potential global customers, assist in creating and executing their export plan, evaluate and refine their export business model, and identify areas for improvement.

This new funding from the Wisconsin Initiative for Agricultural Exports arrived shortly after the December launch of another WCMA export effort, funded by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation's Collaborative Market Access Grants (CMAG) program. CMAG awarded these Wisconsin dairy companies with funds to offset overseas trade show expenses: Carr Valley Cheese, Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery, Masters Gallery Foods, Renard's Cheese, and Sartori Company.

Questions about the new round of grants may be directed to WCMA Grants & Business Programs Director Danica Nilsestuen at or (608) 673-5547.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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