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WFBF Members Appointed to PR and Education Committee

everal Wisconsin Farm Bureau members have been appointed to the Promotion and Education Committee. The organization's board of directors chose Jenny Leahy of Fond du Lac County, Tammy Wiedenbeck of Grant County and Brittney Muenster of Outagamie to serve three-year terms on the panel, starting this fall.

Leahy teaches social studies at Berlin High School and helps on her family's farm on weekends and summers. She also is active in the ALA Badger Girls State program.

Wiedenbeck serves as a Regional Business Development Manager for Hilbert Communications, Bug Tussel Wireless and AT&T Subsidiaries. Along with her full-time role, she is the seventh generation on her family's beef and crop farm where she works with her brother's family and her parents. In addition to her involvement with the Farm Bureau, Tammy is a lifetime member of the Grant County Cattlemen's Association, Lancaster FFA Alumni, UW-Platteville Alumni and was recently appointed to the National Cattlemen's Beef Board.

And Muenster is a fifth-generation farmer on her family's 200-acre farm in Seymour where they raise cattle for beef and milk production. Brittney is also an independent insurance agent specializing in farm and agribusiness insurance with Family Insurance Center. The highlights of her eight-year Farm Bureau membership include attending the 2018 YFA Washington, D.C., Fly-In and serving on the WFBF Promotion and Education Committee.

The Promotion and Education Committee replaced the state's Women Committee several years ago. The group is charged with developing, implementing and promoting projects and programs which build awareness and understanding of agriculture and provide leadership development for the agricultural community.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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