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Farmers Encouraged to Check Runoff Risk Prior to Spreading Manure

As the ground begins to harden going into the fall months, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture is reminding farmers to check for the risk of runoff from their field before spreading manure on it. A free online tool called the Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast identifies if there is a high or low chance for runoff in your area.

State agricultural officials say spreading manure on fields when there is a high risk of runoff can result in the manure traveling into streams and threaten water quality.

"A nutrient management plan helps determine where to spread and the proper application rate while the runoff risk advisory forecast helps determine when to spread. Assessing current field conditions is just one step in the process farmers should use to make decisions," said Andrea Topper, DATCP soil and watershed management training and outreach conservation specialist. "Farmers who don't have a plan can talk to their crop consultant or county conservationist to develop one."

The forecast provides maps showing short-term runoff risk for daily field application planning, taking into account soil saturation and temperature, weather forecast, snow and crop cover, and slope. The National Weather Service updates the forecast three times a day.

Farmers should contact their crop consultants, county land conservation offices or the Department of Natural Resources for help identifying alternatives to high-risk spreading.

The Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast is available at

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops

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