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Wisconsin Ag Coalition, Co-ops Appreciate Key Budget Priorities

Wisconsin farm and agribusiness groups jointly issued the following statement following Governor Tony Evers' budget address delivered Thursday evening:

"Wisconsin agriculture generates $104.8 billion dollars toward our state's economy. Support for crucial agricultural supply chain initiatives is vital to the long-term success of one of our state's most important economic engines. The Wisconsin Ag Coalition is pleased to see several important agricultural budget initiatives included in the Governor's budget proposal," said Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Executive Director Jason Mugnaini on behalf of the Wisconsin Ag Coalition.

Coalition priorities included in the budget proposal:

  • Funding for agricultural producer-led groups that focus on pollution abatement activities through the Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program (PLWPG).
  • Additional funding to incentivize practices to protect natural resources. Including increasing funding for crop insurance premium rebates for cover crops and farmer-led nitrate optimization grants.
  • The continuation of the Wisconsin Commodity Food Bank Purchasing program.
  • Additional funding for critical animal disease outbreak prevention and traceability.
  • Support for the Dairy Processor Grant program to match industry demand for innovation and development grants.
  • Funding for county conservation staff which are critical to maintaining and implementing state conservation and agricultural programs.
  • Support to increase exportation of agricultural products such as dairy, meat, crop, and other Wisconsin commodities through The Wisconsin Initiative for Agricultural Exports.
  • Provide opportunities for the development of new cooperatives or the conversion of existing businesses to the cooperative model.
  • Expansion of the Farmland Preservation Planning Grant Program.
  • Funding for Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution program.

The Ag Coalition released its budget priorities in January.

"Over the coming days we will review additional initiatives impacting agriculture and look forward to working closely with state legislators as they deliberate on the 2023-25 Biennial State Budget," added Mugnaini. "The Ag Coalition urges support for policies that promote success for Wisconsin farmers, agribusiness, and our state."

Meanwhile, the Cooperative Network, representing cooperative businesses throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota, said it was pleased Evers' proposed the following of its top priorities:

Broadband – Governor Evers’ budget includes $750 million to connect every household in Wisconsin to high speed internet by 2025, a major initiative that would have a positive impact on hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin residents in rural areas of the state.

Workforce Development – Like all businesses in Wisconsin, cooperatives need a stable and growing workforce. Truck drivers and other CDL holders are particularly crucial to cooperative businesses. The governor’s budget funds scholarship and grant programs for student CDL education, and increases the amount of time Seasonal Farm Service CDL’s can be used from 180 to 210 days.

Cooperative Development – Governor Evers recognizes cooperatives are a vital part of rural economies, which is why he introduced the Cooperative Feasibility Study grant program in his last budget. The grants have gone to a wide variety of budding cooperatives – ranging from mobile meat processors to rural grocery stores. Cooperative Network strongly supports continuing this grant program.

Repeal of Wisconsin’s Personal Property Tax – Repealing this antiquated and anti-business tax will return crucial dollars back to cooperatives, which will invest the funds in workforce support and development, cooperative growth, member patronage, and rural economies. None of Wisconsin’s neighboring states have a personal property tax.

Producer led conservation programs – The governor’s proposed budget continues funding for programs focusing on pollution abatement activities such as the Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program, the Nitrogen Optimization Grant Program, and increased funding for rebates for cover crops.

Continuation of the Wisconsin Commodity Food Bank Purchasing program – This program was funded with federal funds during the pandemic to supply Wisconsin foodbanks with Wisconsin commodities. Cooperative Network supports the continuation of Badger Box funding and other programs that connect Wisconsin agricultural producers and processers to the state’s network of food banks and pantries.

“Cooperative Network urges support for policies and programs that support Wisconsin farmers, agribusinesses and rural communities such as those proposed in Governor Evers’ budget,” said Daniel Smith, president and CEO. “We look forward to working with legislators and advocating for these proposals as the budget is deliberated in coming months.”

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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