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Wisconsin Pork Association Names Scholarship Winners

The Wisconsin Pork Association (WPA) recognized scholarship recipients during the organization's annual meeting held on February 2nd in conjunction with the Corn/Soy Expo in Wisconsin Dells. Seven high school seniors and college students were awarded a total of $7,250 in scholarships.

The Whitmore Memorial Scholarship was established as a legacy to the late Rex Whitmore, a master statesman and communicator who served as the first executive director of the Wisconsin Pork Association. Applicants for this scholarship must be a junior or senior at University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin -Platteville or University of Wisconsin -River Falls. Preference is given to those pursing an Animal Science degree or similar major. Anna Schoenike is the recipient of the $1,500 scholarship. Anna is studying Animal Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She plans to pursue a career in the swine industry and continue to be an ambassador and advocate for the agriculture community.

The Wisconsin Pork Association, in cooperation with the family of Buell Gunderson, established a scholarship program in 2007 to recognize the many contributions that Buell Gunderson made to the Wisconsin pork industry. Gunderson, together with his wife, Bernice, served as Secretary/Treasurer of the Wisconsin Pork Association for 20 plus years and assisted in growing the organization from its initial roots to the successful organization that it is today. Consideration is given to youth who have established their own production herd, been involved on their family operation, or shown specific interest in pork production or livestock judging.

Anna Schoenike was selected to receive a $1,000 scholarship, Talena Sprecher received a $750 scholarship, and Claire Esselman was awarded a $500 scholarship. Anna is studying Animal Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is involved in many agricultural organizations and has experience in both the show pig and commercial swine industries. She plans to pursue a career in the swine industry and continue to be an ambassador and advocate for the agriculture community. Talena plans to attend Illinois Central Community College to participate in the livestock judging team, and after obtaining her associates degree, she plans to transfer to a senior college to obtain her Agricultural Education degree. Talena is passionate about educating youth and wants to give her students the opportunity to have many of the same experiences she was able to enjoy in the swine industry. Claire plans to attend Iowa State University to pursue a degree in Agricultural and Rural Policy with an emphasis in International Business. Her goal is to be an agricultural lobbyist so she can advocate and protect the rights of pork producers on a state or national level.

The Fredrich Memorial Scholarship was established in 2018 through funding from the Southeast Wisconsin Pork Producers. This scholarship honors Clarence Fredrich who was actively involved in the Southeast Wisconsin Pork Producers Association. He was very supportive of youth programming in agriculture as well as community events and activities. This scholasrhip is offered to students in Walworth, Racine, and Kenosha counties.

Henry Koerner and Madisyn Henderson each received a $1,000 scholarship, and Matthew Hoekstra and Maya Weinkauf were each awarded $750 scholarships. Henry plans to attend the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities of University of Wisconsin-River

Falls to pursue a degree in agricultural education or agricultural business and marketing. Henry has always taken advantage of the agricultural opportunities presented to him and wants to continue his love for the industry by educating youth and exposing them to the many benefits and joys it has to offer them. Madisyn plans to attend Iowa State University to major in Agricultural Business. Through college she plans to be involved in many on-campus activities to enhance her knowledge of the agriculture industry. Although undecided on a career, she hopes to have her own livestock operation someday also. Matthew plans to attend UW- Whitewater at Rock County in Janesville then transfer to University of Wisconsin- Platteville to major in Crop and Soil Science. He is very passionate about farming, and in the future, Matthew plans to greatly expand his family's small row crop operation so he can eventually farm full-time. Maya plans to attend Iowa State University to major in Agricultural Business. She hopes to secure a career focusing on agricultural marketing so that she can positively promote and depict the world's most essential industry.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Education

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