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Another Near Perfect Week for Fieldwork in Wisconsin

Wisconsin had 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending July 3, which allowed some growers to wrap up their first cutting of hay and begin second crop. According to the latest crop/weather report from the Wisconsin Ag Statistics Service, reporters across the state noted that crops were starting to show signs of stress due to the drier conditions so they are hoping for rain in the coming week.

Topsoil moisture condition levels were rated five percent very short, 21 percent short, 72 percent adequate and two percent surplus.

Corn condition was 76 percent good to excellent statewide, which is a slight decrease from last week. Soybeans emergence was 98 percent--11 days behind last year, but four days ahead of the five-year average. Thirteen percent of the beans were blooming and the overall condition of the crop is 76 percent good to excellent.

About 63 percent of the oats are now headed, which is 12 days behind last year and three days slower than normal. Oats coloring was at 17 percent and the crop is 83 percent good to excellent.

About 97 percent of the winter wheat was headed. That's more than a week behind the 2021 crop year during the Fourth of July, but eight days ahead of the average. Just over half of the winter wheat is now coloring.

In the hay fields, 98 percent of the first crop is harvested and 43 percent of second crop is complete.

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops

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