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ATV & UTV Riders Encouraged to Thank About Safety

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reminds operators of all-terrain vehicles and utility terrain vehicles to think smart before they start this summer by following safety best practices.

A lack of safety equipment is the leading cause of ATV/UTV incidents. When enjoying off-road rides and adventures, wearing a helmet and seat belt, monitoring speed, and using caution on hills and uneven terrain could save your life.

DNR records show that six people have died in ATV/UTV crashes so far in 2022. Most crash victims were not wearing seat belts or helmets.

ATV and UTV operators born on or after January 1988, who are at least 12 years old for an ATV (and at least 16 years old for UTV) must complete an ATV safety certification course to operate in Wisconsin (exception: on private property owned by operator's immediate family).

Wisconsin law requires every operator involved in a crash incident to report the incident without delay to law enforcement officials. In addition, within 10 days of the incident, the operator must submit a written report to the DNR.

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