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Corn and soybeans progress in Wisconsin

Corn and soybeans progress in Wisconsin

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin experienced favorable weather conditions for fieldwork during the week ending September 15, 2024.

Dry weather allowed farmers to make significant progress in harvesting corn silage, cutting hay, seeding winter wheat, and applying manure.

Crop Progress Highlights:

  • Corn: 94% of corn is in the dough stage, 2 days behind last year but 1 day ahead of the 5-year average. 73% of corn has reached the dent stage, and 18% is mature. Corn for silage harvest is 23% complete. Corn condition remains good to excellent at 63%.
  • Soybeans: 75% of soybeans are coloring, 4 days ahead of last year and the average. 41% of soybeans are dropping leaves. Soybean condition remains at 62% good to excellent.
  • Winter Wheat: Winter wheat planting is 23% complete, with 8% emerged.
  • Hay: The fourth cutting of alfalfa hay is 63% complete.
  • Potatoes: Potato harvest is 51% complete. Potato condition remains at 88% good to excellent.
  • Pasture and Range: Pasture and range condition is rated 54% good to excellent.

Soil Moisture Conditions:

  • Topsoil: 5% very short, 35% short, 59% adequate, 1% surplus.
  • Subsoil: 3% very short, 23% short, 72% adequate, 2% surplus.

Wisconsin crops are in good condition, and favorable weather has allowed farmers to make significant progress in fieldwork activities.

Photo Credit: istock-urpspoteko

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Fruits and Vegetables

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