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Dane Co. Accepting Applications for Food Project Grants

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced that community-based organizations can now apply for the Partner in Equity (PIE) Food Project Grant, which was created to encourage the innovative development of projects that advance equity and access in local food systems across Dane County through educational and outreach services.

Vulnerable populations saw food insecurity and other needs rise during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the Dane County community continues to respond and recover from the pandemic's impacts on its local food system, Dane County government is looking for projects that will provide the greatest impacts in strengthening the community's food system and cultivating community engagement and access.

"The Partners in Equity Food Project Grants are one of many ways Dane County strives to achieve equity and increase opportunity in our community," said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. "Through this program, we partner with area organizations to make healthy food more accessible, strengthen local agriculture, limit food waste, and address food insecurity."

"The Dane County Partners in Equity Food Project Grants are a perfect example of what is good in our community," said Dane County Board Supervisor Michele Ritt. "Any group or organization is welcome to apply for funds, bringing diverse voices to advancing equity and access in our food system. Innovative and creative projects serve our most vulnerable neighbors. I am so proud to be part of this program."

Individuals and organizations with smaller projects are especially encouraged to apply. In 2023, $20,000 is available for PIE Food Project Grants.

Please submit your application electronically (preferred) to If you are unable to submit electronically, mail to the address listed on the application form (postmarked by 4:00 PM on Monday, February 27, 2023).

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Categories: Wisconsin, Business

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