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Ideal weather boosts Wisconsin crop progress

Ideal weather boosts Wisconsin crop progress

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsin enjoyed ideal weather conditions for farming during the week ending August 4, with a generous five and a half days suitable for fieldwork.

The warm, dry spell accelerated crop development and allowed farmers to make significant headway in harvesting small grains.

While some areas benefited from timely rainfall, moisture levels across the state remained ample, with topsoil and subsoil conditions rated predominantly adequate to surplus.

Corn continued to mature, with 72% of the crop now silked, slightly behind the average pace. Soybean development also progressed, with 81% of plants blooming and 49% setting pods. Both corn and soybeans were in generally good to excellent condition.

Small grain harvest advanced rapidly. Oat coloring neared completion, and nearly half of the oat crop for grain was already harvested, well ahead of the average. Winter wheat harvest was also significantly ahead of schedule.

Hay production continued to thrive. The second cutting of alfalfa was nearly finished, and the third cutting was underway.

Pasture and range conditions improved, reflecting the positive impact of recent weather. Potato harvest commenced and the crop showed promising development.

Overall, Wisconsin farmers reported favorable conditions and made substantial progress across various crops.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mvburling

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Hay & Forage

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