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Ken Rosenow Honored for 40 Years with U.S. Grains Council

Ken Rosenow Honored for 40 Years with U.S. Grains Council

By Blake Jackson

Ken Rosenow, a director of the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board (WCPB), was recently recognized by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) for 40 years of service.

At the USGC's International Marketing Conference and Annual Membership Meeting in Austin, Texas, Rosenow reflected on his involvement with the organization.

Rosenow, a fourth-generation farmer, credits his father for inspiring his involvement in agricultural advocacy.

“I’m a fourth-generation farmer and he always provided an example for me that no matter how hard you work on your farm, there are so many things that happen in agriculture off your farm, which you might not think you’re involved with that really make a bigger difference to the success of your farm than what you do at home,” Rosenow said.

His interest in export markets grew after participating in a WCPB trade mission to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Rosenow shared a story about hosting a group from Japan at his farm, serving them a meal of barbecued steak and apple pie.

“Customers like to get to know your family, when they see you’ve been doing this for generations and generations and you’re proud of what you produce,” Rosenow said.

Rosenow, who enjoys spending time with his family by the lake, encourages other producers to join local and national agricultural associations.

“What really makes a difference in the price we get is the news on market reports. It’s the export announcements that make the market go down or up and it’s those last bushels left on the balance sheet that determine our price,” Rosenow said. “So if you can get export demand and get those last bushels out of the country, that’s what really makes it successful and profitable for farmers.”

Photo Credit: us-grains-council

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