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Last Chance to Nominate 'Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin'

The Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and Johnson Financial Group is holding the 'Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin' contest for a sixth straight year. The annual competition aims to highlight the state's manufacturing industry, which employs nearly one in six Wisconsinites.

"Manufacturers are the backbone of Wisconsin's economy, and we are thrilled to once again showcase the state's top industry throughout this contest," said WMC President & CEO Kurt Bauer. "As manufacturers continue to face a dire workforce shortage, we hope this contest will bring attention to the challenging, rewarding and family-supporting careers available in the industry."

As part of the contest rules, any product manufactured in the state qualifies for a chance to compete for the top 16 products made in Wisconsin. From there, those finalists will be placed into a bracket-style tournament called 'Manufacturing Madness,' in which those entries will compete against one another in head-to-head match-ups.

Last year, roughly 150 products were nominated, and nearly 125,000 votes were cast.

Nominations for the coolest product will be accepted through September 3. For more information, or to submit a nomination, go to:

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Categories: Wisconsin, Rural Lifestyle

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