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NASS survey for Wisconsin small grain farmers

NASS survey for Wisconsin small grain farmers

By Blake Jackson

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is calling on Wisconsin farmers to participate in a nationwide survey on small grains production.

Starting in late August, NASS will be sending questionnaires to a sample of producers across the country, including nearly 2,200 in Wisconsin.

This survey is crucial for gathering data on the 2024 acreage, yield, and production of key small grains like wheat, oats, barley, and rye. NASS will also be surveying commercial grain storage facilities to estimate grain stock levels.

“NASS safeguards the privacy of respondents by keeping all individual information confidential and publishing the data in aggregate form only to ensure that no operation or producer can be identified,” Greg Bussler, Wisconsin State Statistician. “We recognize that this is a hectic time for farmers, but the information they provide helps U.S. agriculture remain viable and capable. I urge them to respond to these surveys and thank them for their participation.”

Producers can complete the Agricultural Survey online at, by phone, or by mail. For those who haven't responded by August 29th, a NASS representative might contact them to schedule a phone survey completion.

The results of the survey will be published on September 30th in the annual NASS Small Grains Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks reports available on their website.

This data also contributes to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, a monthly report by the USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Wisconsin, Crops, Government & Policy

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