By Blake Jackson
Are you drawn to the idea of a life on the farm? Perhaps you have some land and are eager to put it to good use. Maybe you're seeking a fulfilling career change and are considering a farm-based business.
The first step is to identify a viable farm enterprise that aligns with your unique circumstances. This can be challenging, but here's how to get started:
Brainstorm and Explore:
- Utilize eFarmony: This online tool from Extension helps you explore potential farm enterprises based on your land, resources, and skills.
- Listen and observe: Pay attention to the conversations around you. What food needs and desires do you hear expressed by friends, family, and your community?
- Read and learn: Explore farm publications like the Wisconsin State Farmer, AgriView, and Growing for Market for inspiration and insights.
- Attend workshops and conferences: Connect with other farmers and learn from their experiences.
- Visit farms and agritourism destinations: Observe successful farm businesses and gain firsthand experience.
Assess Your Strengths and Passions:
- Inventory your skills: Consider your non-farming experience. Skills in marketing, logistics, technology, or finance can be valuable assets in a farm business.
- Involve your family: Assess the skills and interests of family members who may contribute to the farm.
- Define your values: What motivates you to farm? What kind of impact do you want to make?
- Develop a long-term vision: Consider how your farm will evolve over time, including succession planning and retirement considerations.
Explore Diverse Revenue Streams:
- Think beyond traditional farming: Consider offering services like custom farming, agritourism, or farm-stay experiences.
- Diversify your income sources: Explore value-added products, such as processed foods, or educational workshops.
By carefully considering your resources, skills, and passions, you can develop a viable and fulfilling farm business plan. Remember to seek guidance from local resources like your county Extension office.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-fotokostic
Categories: Wisconsin, Business